Project Manager:
Land Art Association
20 000.00 €
20000 m2
Perhaps, an ecosystem, with its complex relationships ranging from absolute interdependence to intense competition for resources, embodies best the EU motto “united in diversity”. Whatever individual points of friction one can identify, diversity makes the ecosystem as a whole more resilient and more adaptive in a changing world. Planting a seed comes with the promise of building a new community of life. Creating a diverse forest, a self-perpetuating ecosystem, gives you a glimpse at life eternal. With your contribution, we can have the prospect of a better tomorrow and can show our increased ambition to fix the misbalances and restore forest ecosystems, the land in Europe can regain its lost communities.
Prioritizing solutions and acknowledging the consequences of biodiversity loss has pushed officials working for the European Institutions to launch the collaboration with the Land Art Association. Forest for Future Generations by EUstaff4climate aims at contributing to the EU target of 3 billion additional trees by 2030 and build resilience in critical times. Offering nature the capacity to recover itself through tangible afforestation practices remains the main motivation of this initiative.
On the practical side, the next planting will take place in mid-March 2023. For that to happen, the seedlings need to be purchased in early January 2023. If we exceed our initial financial target of EUR 20 000, the planted area can be increased accordingly! Each euro creates 1 m2 of forest area. Let’s reforest!
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