In December 2023, the farmers, the commons manager and the mayor gathered to listen to
BENCZE Szilvia
2 000.00 €
2000 m2
Nested in a valley surrounded by mild hillsides, the tiny, remote village of Daia is home to about 250 inhabitants in rural Transylvania. Farming is essential to the livelihood of the population, but severe summer droughts and occasional flash floods are increasingly taking a toll on their ability to maintain the level of food production, protecting their properties and accessing potable water in general.
This initiative aims to raise awareness about existing good examples in nature-based water retention projects and to launch a community discussion to identify the community priorities and to set-up a community strategy to address the drought and flood situation. Since Daia is not alone with these challenges, measurable and cost-efficient results may lead to the spreading of the good practices in the region.
Preliminarily, actions might include tree and hedge planting in the pastures and the arable land parcels around the village, creating micro-scale water retention basins and channels, establishing leaky woody dams in the water streams. Beyond its direct climate adaptation objectives, the initiative also aims to promote cooperation among the community members and stakeholders, in a country where cooperation is still in an initial phase due to historical reasons.
The project is going to be implemented in close cooperation with the Land Art Association, but is not managed by it.
Your contributions would be supporting the planting of trees and hedges in the priority areas (to-be-identified during the community and expert consultations). Information about the implementation steps will be shared here or on a linked webpage.
In case no community strategy is drawn up within 3 years, the contributions would be reallocated to the EU staff forest initiative managed by EUS4C and the Land Art Association, so that you can rest assured that it will be still used for a good purpose within the region.
There is no minimum or maximum target, but the more you contribute, the more convincing it will be for the community to get together ;)
Thank you so much in advance for your kind contribution and encouragement!
Technical footnote: For technical reasons, the identified geospatial poligon currently shows a parcel belonging to the Land Art Association, but as soon as the community decides on which parcels in Daia the action will take place, the correct geospatial coordinates will be updated.
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